including a file on on-rev

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Nov 3 16:40:57 EST 2009

Claudi Cornaz wrote:

> I need to change the include statement to:
> include "../lib/cc_PageStats.irev"
> but this doesn't work.

I have many pages at my on-rev site like that and it works fine. The 
"../" does mean "up one folder" and I often use it.

> Even better would be, preferably a one liner, so I can include the file 
> from whatever dir the requested page is,
> without worring about the number of levels
> (I have been trying with a 'hard coded adress like 
> ""

This works too. Did you use the include statement as a revTalk script? 
It has to be like this:

<?rev include "../cc_PageStats.irev" ?>

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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