On-Rev / Off-Rev

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 30 22:45:15 EDT 2009

Can a language exist without an IDE? 

Yes, look at the Bourne Shell.  Until recently it existed without an IDE
other than your ordinary text editor.  Recently its been supplied with two
IDEs of sorts, the Gnome one, Zenity, and the KDE one.  Or look at AWK, it
still has only a text editor as IDE.  Maybe there is a Windows-only gui IDE
for it?

It seems to be a bit like OSs.  If you look at Windows and Mac you'd think
the OS and the desktop environment are the same thing.  But if you look at
Linux you see there are actually three things, the display manager (mine is
WDM, but I usually install GDM for other people).  Then the window manager,
where I'm currently using Gnome's Metacity, but Openbox is a popular
alternative for Gnome.  Then the desktop environment if you want one (KDE,
Gnome, XFCE).  And then of course a fourth, the file manager, which in Mac
and Windows looks like part of the OS, Finder or Explorer, but which in
Linux is independent.  You don't have to use Nautilus with Gnome....

Of course, on Windows or Mac its quite hard or impossible to use a different
component for the desktop environment, and on Rev the choice of IDE is more
restricted than on Python, and you seem not to be able to write Rev just
using a text editor, as you can on the shell or awk or Python.  Not that I
really want to!

Every now and then I have a fit of irritation and check out Python.  Virtual
desktops or revPrintField are the usual causes.  There are lots of IDEs,
independent of the language, and you can just use a text editor.   But they
all seem to involve a lot more typing than Rev does, so, at least so far, I
decide to hang in there.  
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