use-revolution Digest, Vol 68, Issue 41
Peter Brigham MD
pmbrig at
Fri May 15 12:48:43 EDT 2009
On May 15, 2009, Kay C Lan wrote:
> Peter,
> I gave your function a try and it gave the wrong answer. I had a
> quick look
> and somewhere along the line it converted 2009 to 1909, so I ended
> up with a
> negative age. After some of the earlier posts, I guess it has
> potential for
> a female audience.
> Here's my attempt: <snip>
Hmmm. Never gotten the wrong answer in my use of it. Ahhh, I see.
There's an error in the function handler
> function getFullYr tDate
> -- works only for people < 100 years old
> set the itemDelimiter to "/"
> put the last item of tDate into yr
> if the number of chars of yr = 2 then
> if yr >= last item of the short date then -- wrong comparator
> put "19" before yr
> else
> put "20" before yr
> end if
> end if
> return yr
> end getFullYr
"if yr >= last item of the short date then" should be "if yr > last
item of the short date then"
That's what I get for trying to not embarrass myself -- I cleaned up
working code for my posting to the list, so it looked less
inefficient, but I didn't test the changes thoroughly.
Actually, I really like Mark Schonewille's version, much more compact.
I have modified it as below so allow computing the age of any person
as of an arbitrary date (defaults to today):
function doAge tDate,asOf
convert tDate to dateItems
if asOf = empty then
put the date into asOf
end if
convert asOf to dateitems
put item 1 of asOf - item 1 of tDate - 1 into tAge
put item 1 of asOf into item 1 of tDate
convert tDate to seconds
convert asOf to seconds
if tDate <= asOf then add 1 to tAge
return tAge
end doAge
This seems to work well. Anyone find a problem with it?
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at
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