Datagrid: help with "EditFieldText"

David Bovill david at
Sat May 9 10:08:01 EDT 2009

I have a datagrid form, with a custom row template. I am having problems
with a field that will not update the dgData when edited. The others work
fine and their properties (ie "autotab" seem to be identical). I have named
the fields the same as the keys in dgData. Having problems debuging, as the
debugger is not playing well with the behaviors.

on mouseDoubleUp pMouseBtnNum
>     if pMouseBtnNum is 1 then
>         if the dgProps["allow editing"] of the dgControl of me then
>             put the long id of the target into targetObject
>             put the short name of targetObject into theKey
>             put the dgIndex of me into lineNum
>             switch
>                 case theKey is among the items of "title,ruggedID,helpURL"
>                     EditFieldText targetObject, lineNum, theKey
>                     break
>             end switch
>         end if
>     end if
>     pass mouseDoubleUp
> end mouseDoubleUp

Any idea what to look for?

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