Newbie question - Set the cursor to....

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri May 8 17:11:14 EDT 2009

Hi Stephen,

You need to lock the cursor right before or after setting it.  
Otherwise, the cursor will be reset as soon as the handler finishes  

on mouseEnter
    lock cursor
    set the cursor to hand
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   set the cursor to arrow
   unlock cursor
end mouseLeave

You may need to put the unlock cursor command in multiple places. For  
example, there may be situation where going to a new cards imlplies a  
cursor change.

on preOpenCard
   unlock cursor
end preOpenCard

There is also a property defaultCursor, which might be useful. You can  
find more about it in the docs.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 8 mei 2009, at 22:56, Stephen Cox wrote:

> I’m gonna preface [the subject] all my questions with “Newbie” so  
> those who
> have no interest in nubs can move on. Trust, I know it can be  
> painful. ;)
> I got a card. With a label or button. I want to change the cursor of  
> the
> mouse to a hand then back to arrow when the user moves on/off the  
> object.
> on mouseEnter
>    set the cursor to hand
> end mouseEnter
> on mouseLeave
>   set the cursor to arrow
> end mouseLeave
> The above should work? Or am I missing something about the cursor  
> command? I
> placed a breakpoint and followed the code. It fires, just doesn’t  
> change the
> cursor.
> Maybe I’m using mouseEnter/mouseLeave incorrectly?
> Thanks for any info.
> -Stephen Cox

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