Only supported on some platforms . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Mon Mar 30 03:53:22 EDT 2009

Kay C Lan, quite rightly, pointed out that my fantasy about "supported"
would be cumbersome;


this is rather missing the point of my thread :)

Suppose the following scenario:

Richmond is popping together one of jaw-breakingly moronic little
standalones for EFL content delivery to be deployed on Ubuntu and
Windows XP: he's popping it together on a Macintosh.

Because the standalone is jaw-breakingly moronic half of Richmond's
mind is elsewhere (usual situation) and he forgets that Linux and
Windows (while, generally, sporting similar GUIs) are very, very
different; uses a term that doesn't function on one or both of
those platforms - belts out his standalones, burns them on discs, slings them at the kids to take home; gets egg all over his face.

Admittedly, I am not quite that goofy, as I always compile standalones
on the end-user platform!

However . . .

Now imagine an 'alarm system', 'error trapper', call it what-you-will,
that every time one uses a term that does not function on all the
platforms RR can deliver to pops up a modal window saying something like:

"Oi, Wake Up Mush - XXXX works only with Linux and Mac OS X"

where 'XXXX' is the term in question.


To be able to implement that I suggested the 'supported' idea:

If the supported of XXXX is not 1,1,1,1 then
  if the supported of XXXX is 0,0,0,1 then
    answer "This term only works with Linux"
  end if
  if ..................

end if


sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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