Randall Reetz

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 21 09:27:04 EDT 2009

Randall Reetz wrote;

  "moderen (sic) democratic societies"

I just love those 2 words: 'modern' and 'democratic'.

Both those words (which are fairly vacant semantically) have coursed
more misunderstanding and harm than almost all the other words
in English put together.

Of course while *somebody* is shoving his bigoted, ethno-culturo-centric
view down Ruslan's throat, I would like to remind everybody on this
use-list that the so-called 'Western Democracies' are not the only
models for a successful and harmonious society - err, come to think of
it - when I think of a 'western democracy' where everybodies' creativity
is stifled by the threat of being sued for vast sums I don't feel
harmonious at all.

Randall Reetz wrote "israel"

Ha, ha, ha: I, at least, have lived there (Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Holy Land/think-of-a-name-that-reflects-your-personal-prejudices) 
and worked there, and am well aware of how "fair" contracts are there; 
and that isn't even dragging in the institutionalised racism.

Randall's attitude makes me fell queasy; I'm off for a lie down.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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