[ANN] I have a confession...

Jim Ault jimaultwins at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 18 10:29:54 EDT 2009

If using ...

Firefox, get the add in "Session Manager" - indispensable
BBEdit, setup project windows, and it remembers all the open docs/ 
windows, and their positions across 3 monitors.
Photoshop, I use an Applescript to record open images, then reopen the  
list with a double click on an app.
Excel, I just use the Recent menu

but no other levels of automatic restore that I can think of.  My  
first thought would be a set of AppleScripts using Automator (built in  
to OSX), then have a MyScripts menu to trigger 'save configuration' or  
just trap events and ask for user input where necessary.

Adding the use of System Events probably means you could control most  
any app that runs on the Mac.
Further, you could store configuration files that would mean 'close  
all apps', 'launch config ImageWork', 'close all apps', 'relaunch  
config EmailOnly', 'relaunch config WebResearchExcel'.  Thus you would  
have a routine that would allow the user to 'update' any of the config  
files.  This would also allow 'project' configuration files to be  

My own needs tend to evolve and be rather eclectic, so this style does  
not really work for me, but there are many times I have been tempted  
to write some of this.  Using a Rev interface, you could call the  
various AppleScripts (VB in Windows) to save.restore.delete.reset  
configuration files.

Windows product for $80


Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:51 AM, Jim Sims wrote:

> I have a confession to make.
> My question "I'm curious about how many apps the people on this list  
> usually have loaded during their work day?"  was really market  
> research. I wanted to find out how many apps and files people had  
> opened as they work.
> About three weeks ago a busy photographer friend (76 books launched  
> and 5 in the pipeline) complained to me that OS X didn't have any  
> way to reload apps & files that are open when he quits. He said he  
> wanted something like 'Time Machine' but in an application that  
> would load that one set of files and applications.
> I suggested he use Sleep but as he travels a lot he wants to shut  
> the Mac off completely. So, three weeks later of spare time fiddling  
> I have a beta at:
> http://www.ezpzapps.com/AppBoot/
> Rev enables some fast development but this List is like having your  
> own Rev Genius Bar. Thanks!
> sims
> sims at ezpzapps.com
> Skype:   sims.jim
> iChat:   techietours
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