My BBC Master - - - getting Beeped-off.

Judy Perry katheryn.swynford at
Wed Mar 11 13:28:54 EDT 2009

Right.  I agree with both of you here.
It clearly IS POSSIBLE.  Profitable?  Maybe for Adobe, maybe not so much for
Rev (but then, what does that say about Rev?).

Other than "he who makes me see purple and shall not be named again," I'm
really not trying to diss anyone.

But for how many years have we all bought, and CONTINUE to buy into the
rationale that 'it can't be done on Windows"?  We're still sitting here
doing it in 2009 for heaven's sake!  As my nearly 8 year old son would say,
"J*sus Creepers!" (sorry -- this is an actual quote from him; he's heard
"J*sus Chr*st! as an expletive as well as the tamer "Jeepers
Creepers"...and, well, somehow merged the two ;-)   )


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:17 AM, J. Landman Gay
<jacque at>wrote:

> Scott Rossi wrote:
>> Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>  If you don't have a Mac, you're kinda out of luck AFAIK because
>>>> while there is a Windows version, I've never actually come across
>>>> anyone who was able to make it work under Windows.
>>> So maybe it's harder than we think to implement sound channels on
>>> Windows after all.
>> No "dis" intended Jacque, but I seriously doubt this.  From Adobe's Flash
>> tech notes, published at the end of 2005:
>> "Macromedia Flash Player 8 now supports 32 simultaneous sound channels,
>> increased from the 8 sound channel limit previously in Flash Player 7."
>> Better audio in Rev is long overdue.  If the Rev guys don't want to build
>> it
>> themselves, they could license from somebody else.
> I stand corrected. So the question is probably more like: out of the entire
> customer base, how many want sound channels? The code would have to be
> written three times, since eash OS does it a little differently.
> But I do agree that the sound people have been neglected. I think if Kurt
> could get his MIDI stack to interpret HC-sytle notation it would be a big
> hit. The support queue periodically gets questions about MIDI support, and I
> usually point them to Kurt's work, but having notation options in the stack
> would be a big plus. And I also agree that it would probably be a very good
> RevSelect candidate.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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