More Crossplatform Text Agony

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Jun 23 15:40:51 EDT 2009

Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

>> OK, in Rev 3.5, I create a brand new stack, let's say on OS X.  I add a
>> control, let's say a tab control, and set its text size and style.  Now when
>> I move the stack to Vista or XP, the text of the tab control takes on some
>> default setting that I can't change.

> Whenever you set a
> textstyle and size, the textfont is also stored; Rev can't save only
> size and style info without also saving the font.

That is indeed the issue.  Guess I still have to use a routine that sets the
font of the stack at startup.  Thank you for pointing this out.

Back to wiping the blood from my forehead.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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