my sqlite code is slow :(

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Mon Jun 22 19:54:02 EDT 2009

2009/6/23 Björnke von Gierke <bvg at>:
> Well, i think i tried everything suggested, and then some...
> It seems that to create 1 mb of sqlite data, rev takes approximately half a
> minute, no matter what one does to speed it up. too bad.

Without knowing much about it, I wonder is the problem creating the
query from an array?
I presume you are using the :1 :2 method of filling in the elements in
a query. I have never used this but have always assembled my SQL
queries as a complete string before executing. Could this be causing
the slow-down?
Is the SQLite database file on the local drive or on a networked drive
i.e. is it possible that transfer speed is an issue?

I haven't used SQLite much and even then, not for large amounts of
data, but I have found it to be very fast, so I feel there has to be
something wrong somewhere.


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