Hide Screen Furniture

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 13:57:37 EDT 2009

Mark Wieder wrote:
> Richmond-
> Monday, June 22, 2009, 10:06:00 AM, you wrote:
>> Will this work on Win, Mac & Linux ?????
> Handy thing, that documentation stack...
You sarcastic . . . !  :)    Mind you, I did deserve that.

I have been doing 'stomach surgery' on my G3 iMac; whipped out the
60 GB Hard Drive and popped in a 160 GB one I had pinched from a La Cie
firewire external (bunged the 60 GB in there) - the G3 was absolutely 
bung full
of Open Source and other Free EFL media; so had to expand its waistline 
a bit.

I use various Free progs to convert media into DVD files as I find that the
Mac DVD player is by far the best way to deliver stuff to the kids. 
However it
does mean that small media clips develop fantastic bloat. On the other hand
I never have to face those "Codex is missing" notes from Quicktime.

Almost as traumatic as when I changed the hard drive in my wife's iBook
(57 screws taken out; and, when all was put back together again found that
I had 2 "spare" screws left in the tray - I have them still as monuments to
human folly).

As a result have been popping back and forth to my e-mail client
and didn't think for even a moment to check the documentation.
> "On Mac OS systems, the systemWindow property has no effect."

My initial posting largely referred to Linux and Windows faux docks
(obviously, even if nothing else, the Dock.app in Mac OS is something
that everyone wants to imitate).

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