Remote database access: How?
viktoras d.
viktoras at
Mon Jun 8 12:19:44 EDT 2009
Hi Teresa,
a hile ago I have produced exactly such application to one of my
clients. Client downloads it, the app communicated with mysql database
on a remote server. I used a relay script written in Perl (so it should
work everywhere, because Perl is omnipresent nowadays). It will pass
nearly all sql except for alter, truncate, drop, modify, create. User
must post two parameters - pasword and sql query to communicate with the
database. Unfortunately both are submitted as clear text
:[password]&q=[sql query]
and gets back the resultset in form of tab delimited text.
Here is the Perl script's ( source:
#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
#above string should point to perl installation directory on your server
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;
print header;
my $sth;
my $q=param('q'); #reads query data
my $p=param('p'); #reads password
my @line;
if ($p eq "password_to_check_goes_here") #if submitted password is
correct then...
unless ($q=~m/alter |truncate|drop |modify|create/i) #unless dangerous
strings apear in query string then...
my $dbh =
or die "$DBI::errstr\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
while (my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array)
if (@line) {print join(" ", at line)."\n";}
$sth = $dbh->disconnect();
print "\err.#1000: Access denied"; #Wrong password
print "\err.#1001:\"$p\" Access denied"; #Potentially dangerous commands
in query
exit 0;
and the clientside Revolution function (stack's script) is as simple as:
function Q vQ
local myServer
local myData
put "" into myServer
put "p=authentication password&" & "q=" & URLencode(vQ) into myData
post myData to URL myServer
wait 1 sec
if it is not empty then
return it
return "No matches found or timeout"
exit to top
end if
end Q
Now it can send almost any sql statement or multiple statements and get
back the result from any handler using:
get Q("SELECT * FROM invasions")
It works but sometimes timeouts may happen :-)...
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