Remote database access: How?

Nicolas Cueto niconiko at
Mon Jun 8 02:06:21 EDT 2009

Hi Tereza,

> A great chasm of ignorance is open at my feet.

Having gotten across that chasm -- barely! --  I hesitate to re-approach,
but, in case it helps you, I'll brave some advise that were the keys to
my Rev 2.9 + SQL successful setup.

> Do I need to install a rev cgi on the remote server to communicate with the
> DB?

I think so. At least, that's how I do it.

Plus, had to upload (and chmod) to my web-server the external (?).
This is included with Rev, in the folder:

  Runtime > Linux > x86-32 > Externals

One last piece of the puzzle for me was the cgi script. To make it work,
I had to ensure the inclusion of the following two pieces of script:

(1)   #!revolution -ui

     (The -ui is important.)

(2)  put "/PATH/TO/" into tExternals
      set the externals of the templatestack to tExternals
      create stack "externals"
      start using stack "externals"
      -- do the sql stuff
      close stack "externals"

     (This creates a temporary stack -- "externals" in my case, but
can be called anything --
       which apparently forces the external to start up.)

Hope that helps.

Nicolas Cueto

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