Popup menu bug?
J. Landman Gay
jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Mon Jun 1 17:52:47 EDT 2009
Josep wrote:
> Hi list,
> I found this... maybe I doing something wrong but...
> Create a popup menu with many options.
> In the popupmenu put this:
> on menuPick pItemName
> Global pOldItem
> put pItemName into fld lbl_search
> replace "!c" with "" in line lineOffset(pOldItem,button opt_search) of
> button opt_search
> put "!c" before line lineOffset(pItemName,button opt_search) of button
> opt_search
> put pItemName into pOldItem
> switch pItemName
> end switch
> end menuPick
> For check and uncheck the option selected by the user.
> Put in a button mouseup this:
> switch the selectedtext of button opt_search
> case "!cNIF"
> put "select * from clientes where CLI_NIF like " & quote & "%" &
> fld f_buscar & "%" & quote into tQuery
> break
> case "!cTeléfono"
> put "select * from clientes where CLI_Telefono like " & quote & "%"
> & fld f_buscar & "%" & quote into tQuery
> break
> case "!cNombre"
> put "select * from clientes where CLI_Nombre like " & quote & "%" &
> fld f_buscar & "%" & quote into tQuery
> break
> case "!cPoblación"
> put "select * from clientes where CLI_Poblacion like " & quote &
> "%" & fld f_buscar & "%" & quote into tQuery
> break
> default
> end switch
> The "the selectedtext of button opt_search" ever have the first option.
> But if you don't perform any operation into menuPick the "the selectedtext
> of button opt_search" have the correct option.
> Why?
The checkmark is interfering with the rest of the script. If you remove
the checkmark instruction it works. You can work around the problem by
setting the checkmark at the end of the handler, after you have
processed the rest of the commands. Also, you don't need the global to
store the last selection, instead just remove all checkmarks from the
button at once. Also remember to always put all literal names into quotes.
This should work:
on menuPick pItemName
put pItemName into fld "lbl_search"
put the menuhistory of btn "opt_search" into tLine -- user choice
replace "!c" with "" in button "opt_search" -- remove all checkmarks
switch pItemName -- process the choice, using the item that was chosen
case "NIF"
-- do your DB stuff here
case "Teléfono"
-- DB stuff
case "Nombre"
-- DB stuff
case "Población"
-- DB stuff
end switch
put "!c" before line tLine of btn "opt_search" -- add checkmark last
end menuPick
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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