and they're off...

Bernard Devlin bdrunrev at
Thu Jul 23 04:27:02 EDT 2009

Sounds like Thailand is as bad.  They introduced pedestrian
light-controlled crossings, and the number of pedestrian deaths
increased rapidly.  Pedestrians thought that the green light for them
meant they had the right of way, but for the drivers these weren't
real traffic lights because there was zero chance of them having a
crash with another car.

In Bangkok you MUST look in both directions before you cross a one-way
street.  And don't ever take a motorbike taxi - that was the most
frightening 5 minutes of my life.


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:48 PM, J. Landman
Gay<jacque at> wrote:
> Andre Garzia wrote:
>> traffic lights are very subjective... it goes like this:
>> GREEN: "Okay, no need to even look around!"
>> YELLOW: "Accelerate, warp 9 sulu!!!"
>> RED: "You're allowed to pass slowly in a conscious
>> i-am-breaking-the-law-but-i-have-a-good-heart way"
> You forgot the one where the light doesn't matter as long as you honk your
> horn very loudly and repeatedly as you speed through the intersection going
> 90mph. We almost lost a bumper on that one.

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