rawkeydown and numtochar don't work as expected

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 07:05:48 EDT 2009

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to capture a field input with rawkeydown and after doing some
> other processings to regenerate the input with numtochar.
> For all a-zA-Z1-0 it works fine and also for some special char, like "!,.-",
> But for other input, like "?;:_" the numtochar function returns other values
> as my input. All signs are lower than 255, some are lower than 127, some are
> greater than 126.
> Is this a matter of the charset - what I can't change - , or another thing I
> forgot or am I on the wrong lane at all and it can't be done, what I want?
> Thanks for your experience
> Tiemo
I may be misreading your message, BUT:

I set up a stack with a single card containing a fld called "PROB",

the cardScript is as follows:

on rawKeyDown QUAY
  put numToChar(QUAY) into fld "PROB"
end rawKeyDown

so every time I press a key on my keyboard it should show up
in fld "PROB"

all the problematic keyDowns you mentioned ( ?;:_  ) work fine.

This is on a G4 Mac (RR 2.6.1) and on Ubuntu '86 8.04.3 LTS (RR 2.2.1).

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