Losing data when quitting

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Fri Jan 2 20:31:52 EST 2009

william humphrey wrote:
> In a similar vein I sometimes see "ghost" stacks. I can open a stack and
> then look in the application browser and see another main stack that I had
> opened in the past. When this happens if I quit RunRev and try again it
> doesn't re-occur so it is not something that can be reported as a bug.

This can be one of two things. One, as you guessed, is related to the 
problem you describe below. The other reason is that sometimes the app 
browser has a refresh problem. If that's what is going on, just clicking 
on the ghost stack in the app browser forces it to refresh and the ghost 

> I
> think it is related to another file saving behavior that RunRev does which I
> can't figure out. Which is:
> I can open a stack. Then I want to open another stack of the same name but
> an earlier version. Even if I close the first stack RunRev acts as if it was
> still there so I have to quit RunRev and re-start to have a "clean slate"
> and work on the earlier version.  The behavior I would like (but maybe is
> impossible) would be to close a stack and have it really be gone. No ghost
> of it in the application browser or error message that comes up saying a
> stack of that name is already there.  But I've been using RunRev for years
> now and have gotten used to closing the whole program and re-opening it
> usually many times in a programming session.

You can achive the behavior you want by changing your preferences to 
always create new stacks with the destroyStack property set to true.

By default, Rev creates stacks with this property set to false. That 
means when the stack closes, it is removed from the message hierarchy 
and is no longer open but a copy remains in RAM. This was originally 
intended to speed up subsequent re-opening of the stack, but with modern 
computers that isn't much of an issue any more. Another reason for the 
behavior is so that subsequent references to the stack can find it 
easily, which is handy if the stack isn't on disk in the defaultFolder. 
But if you set the destroystack property to true, when the stack is 
closed, it will be completely removed from RAM, the way you want. No 
trace remains.

If you want to keep the current default setting and completely remove a 
particular stack when it is closed, choose "Close and remove from 
memory" from the File menu to close the stack. That removes it entirely.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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