that is the question...

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Jan 1 12:55:10 EST 2009

Bonsoir Jacques,

Happy new year too :-)

There is not any real bug here but invisible chars you don't see but  
they confuse the engine.
If you retrieve charToNums from your prompt, you get:
If you rewrite it, you get:
And you see that charToNum(34) (quote) was replaced with  
0,32,38,32,113,117,111,116,101,32,38,32,210 in the form you copy  
paste in your email.

I don't know if we may call that a bug: let's say that it's a good  
idea to type again a string that causes that kind of problem :-)

Le 1 janv. 09 à 18:37, Jacques Hausser a écrit :

> First, happy new year to all of you !
> Second, I found something curious when scripting a prompt for an  
> answer folder dialog. To put it in a button:
> on mouseUp
>    put "Où est le dossier “ & quote & “RosData" & quote & " ?" into  
> laquestion
>    answer folder laquestion
>    put laquestion into field Ftexte
> end mouseUp
> It is not visible in this mail, but in the script editor the first  
> 'quote' is dark blue and the second bordeau...
> both in the dialog box and in the field, the string becomes:
> Où est le dossier “ & quote & “RosData" ?
> instead of the expected
> Où est le dossier "RosData" ?
> Could it be my first '09 bug ? (I didn't find anything similar  
> looking for "quote" in the quality center)
> Mac Intel, OSX 10.5.6
> Thank you for advice - even if the simplest solution is to suppress  
> the quotes ;o)
> Jacques

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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