that is the question...

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Jan 1 12:53:23 EST 2009

Hi Jacques,

If you set the font to Monaco and probably many other fonts as well,  
you will see that the second quote in

   put "Où est le dossier “ & quote & “RosData" & quote & " ?" into  

is not the same as the first quote. The third quote is the same as the  
second quote but not the same as the third quote. Make sure that you  
always use the same quote, ASCII 34.

The following line is correct:

   put "Où est le dossier " & quote & "RosData" & quote & " ?" into  

You could also write

    put "Où est le dossier “RosData”?" into laquestion

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

We are always looking for new projects! Feel free to contact us to  
discuss your custom software project!

On 1 jan 2009, at 18:37, Jacques Hausser wrote:

> First, happy new year to all of you !
> Second, I found something curious when scripting a prompt for an  
> answer folder dialog. To put it in a button:
> on mouseUp
>   put "Où est le dossier “ & quote & “RosData" & quote & " ?" into  
> laquestion
>   answer folder laquestion
>   put laquestion into field Ftexte
> end mouseUp
> It is not visible in this mail, but in the script editor the first  
> 'quote' is dark blue and the second bordeau...
> both in the dialog box and in the field, the string becomes:
> Où est le dossier “ & quote & “RosData" ?
> instead of the expected
> Où est le dossier "RosData" ?
> Could it be my first '09 bug ? (I didn't find anything similar  
> looking for "quote" in the quality center)
> Mac Intel, OSX 10.5.6
> Thank you for advice - even if the simplest solution is to suppress  
> the quotes ;o)
> Jacques

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