Main stack and substack order in the message path

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Fri Feb 27 13:33:54 EST 2009

It looks like Start Using inserts the script of the stack into the  
front of the message path, meaning it will receive all messages first.  
You can just see why that would be a good idea! You want the stack you  
last opened to be the one that gets the messages.

You can alternatively use the Insert Script command and insert the  
script in the back. That will ensure that the last thing opened will  
get the message last.

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

On Feb 27, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Jim Bufalini wrote:

> Hi All,
> I wonder if someone can explain this to me and the way around it.
> Let's say you have main stack A with a substack that is a lib called  
> ABC and
> you start using ABC on launch. You then launch a completely  
> different main
> stack called X with an identical substack lib called XYZ and then  
> start
> using XYZ on launch of main stack X.
>> From a card of stack A you execute a command or function that is in  
>> both
> libs. It executes out of XYZ instead of ABC! The obverse can also be  
> true.
> Wouldn't it be logical that the substack of the main stack of the  
> card would
> be searched in the message path before the substack of another  
> completely
> different main stack? Is this a bug? Is it a known issue? And,  
> anyone have a
> work around? By this I mean, a way to insure that a main stack  
> always uses
> its own substack before the substack of a completely different main  
> stack.
> This is assuming, of course, you have no control over the launch  
> order and I
> don't want change a gazillion statements to calls. ;-)
> Jim Bufalini
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