messages, messages

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Wed Feb 25 16:10:04 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:26 AM,  <DunbarX at> wrote:
> I am learning rev by rewriting my HC development tools.
> My tools stack s in use, its stack script sent "back". It traps messages as I
> navigate around other stacks, or within a stack, and gathers object info on
> whatever card comes to the front. So "opencard", "resumeStack" and the like are
> trapped in my tool stack.
> I am getting the "resumeStack" message sent to my tools stack when I close an
> already open stack. Why?

Because when you close one stack, another stack has to become the new
topStack and it is resumed. If you check "the target" in your
resumeStack handler, you will be able to see which stack is getting
the resumeStack message.

> Also, when I save a stack, all those little dialogs
> all seem to send "resumeStack" as well. If everything in rev is a stack, well,
> then I understand that part, but not the other.

Yes, every part of the IDE is a stack. But nearly all the IDE stacks
have names starting with "rev", so in your tools, you could check "the
short name of the target" and if it starts with "rev", just pass the


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