Problems uploading to RevOnline

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at
Fri Feb 20 12:26:59 EST 2009

FYI re problems uploading to RevOnline...

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

Begin forwarded message:
> From: Runtime Revolution Support <support at>
> Date: February 20, 2009 5:44:21 AM EST
> To: Peter Brigham MD <pmbrig at>
> Subject: [Ticket#2009021910001167] Re: [Ticket#2009021610000128] Re:  
> Fwd: RevOnline problem
> Dear Peter Brigham,
> Thank you for your request.
> It probably wouldn't hurt to report this as a bug. We are currently  
> doing a
> complete overhaul to revOnline, and it will be vastly improved in  
> 3.5. It may be
> that this issue is already fixed, but if not, its worth reporting to  
> make sure it
> gets looked at by our engineers.
> Regards,
> Heather
> 02/19/2009 16:13 - Peter Brigham MD wrote:
>> I think I found the problem. Double-clicking the stack icon opens the
>> mainstack, of course, which serves just to open the data stack, a
>> substack that will contain text that the user will want to save. The
>> mainstack then closes itself, leaving only the data stack open.  
>> When I
>> choose "Share this stack..." from the file menu the stack that  
>> appears
>> at the top of the upload window in my RevOnline user space is the  
>> data
>> stack, not the mainstack. I had to tweak the main stack to keep  
>> itself
>> open (and not open the substack), then quit and reopen it so the  
>> mainstack stayed as
>> the frontmost stack, then restore its card script to the original  
>> desired
>> behavior & save it, then choose "Share this stack..." with the
>> mainstack frontmost. When I did this, the name of the mainstack
>> appeared at the top of the RevOnline upload window and I got a
>> successful upload.
>> Seems to me that RevOnline should be able to know how to locate the
>> mainstack and then upload the whole stack system properly, no? The
>> mainstack does appear in the application browser list of stacks in
>> memory, so Rev knows it's there. Should I report this as a bug?
>> Peter M. Brigham
>> pmbrig at
>> On Feb 18, 2009, at 3:35 AM, Runtime Revolution Support wrote:
>>> Dear Peter,
>>> Thank you for your request.
>>> Hmmm. I've looked at your record, and your user space info looks
>>> perfectly normal.
>>> The current implementation of revonline is a bit quirky and erratic.
>>> It does seem
>>> to work for some people however, so the trick is to figure out
>>> exactly what it
>>> doesn't like about you/your stack... You are able to log in
>>> successfully? Just not
>>> upload? What is the exact name of the stack you are trying to  
>>> upload?
>>> Regards,
>>> Heather
>>> 02/16/2009 01:39 - Heather Nagey wrote:
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Peter Brigham MD <pmbrig at>
>>>>> Date: 13 February 2009 16:10:29 GMT
>>>>> To: Heather Nagey <heather at>
>>>>> Subject: RevOnline problem
>>>>> Heather --
>>>>> I can't get stacks uploaded to my userspace on RevOnline. Jacque
>>>>> suggested there might be a problem with the RevOnline database?  
>>>>> Any
>>>>> ideas?
>>>>> Peter M. Brigham
>>>>> pmbrig at
>>>>> RevOnline username: pmbrig
>>>>> Thread from UseRev list follows:
>>>>> ************
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Peter Brigham MD <pmbrig at> wrote:
>>>>> OK, this feels like a totally basic question to me, so I apologize
>>>>> in
>>>>> advance.... I know I asked about this last year sometime, but I
>>>>> couldn't get it to work and I just gave up on it, so it's still a
>>>>> problem for me.
>>>>> I want to share a stack by uploading it to my userspace on
>>>>> RevOnline,
>>>>> so I open the stack, select "Share this stack..." from the file
>>>>> menu,
>>>>> and the RevOnline window appears. I can see the name of the  
>>>>> stack in
>>>>> question at the top, and I choose the category, fill in the  
>>>>> title &
>>>>> description, then click "Upload." Nothing seems to happen in the  
>>>>> way
>>>>> of confirmation (is this normal?). I then save my stack as
>>>>> instructed
>>>>> -- I guess Rev "fingerprints" the stack by adding a custom  
>>>>> property
>>>>> or
>>>>> something to allow me to update the stack later if I revise it.
>>>>> Then I
>>>>> go to my userspace and the new stack is not there. Nada. I must be
>>>>> doing something wrong. Somehow last year I managed to get one
>>>>> stack up
>>>>> there, but I have no idea what I did to accomplish this. What am I
>>>>> missing?
>>>>> Peter M. Brigham
>>>>> pmbrig at
>>>>> RevOnline username: pmbrig
>>>>> ********
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 17:58:2, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Peter Brigham MD wrote:
>>>>>> Somehow last year I managed to get one stack up there,
>>>>>> but I have no idea what I did to accomplish this. What am I
>>>>>> missing?
>>>>> I don't know, but whatever it is, I've been missing it too from
>>>>> about
>>>>> the same time. I haven't been able to upload since then either. I
>>>>> pulled
>>>>> a stack successfully over a year ago in order to re-upload a fixed
>>>>> version and could never get it back online.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
>>>>> HyperActive Software           |
>>>>> ********
>>>>> On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Peter Brigham MD wrote:
>>>>>> So who would we contact at Rev to flag this as a problem? Is
>>>>>> everyone
>>>>>> having the same difficulty?
>>>>> I don't think it's everyone. I recently asked Heather about it and
>>>>> found
>>>>> out there was a database migration a while back where some of the
>>>>> records didn't cross over successfully. She didn't have direct
>>>>> access to
>>>>> the database to fix it for me (my record's password got wiped,)
>>>>> and I
>>>>> didn't ask her to pursue it since it wasn't a big deal for me.  
>>>>> She'd
>>>>> be
>>>>> the one to contact though if you want someone to look into it.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
>>>>> HyperActive Software           |
>>>>> Email has been scanned for viruses by Altman Technologies' email
>>>>> management service
>>>> Heather Nagey
>>>> Customer Services Manager
>>>> Runtime Revolution Ltd
>>>> follow me on twitter
>>> Heather Nagey
>>> --
>>> Runtime Support Team ~
>>> Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools
>>> --
>> Email has been scanned for viruses by Altman Technologies' email  
>> management
> service -
> Heather Nagey
> --
> Runtime Support Team ~
> Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools
> --

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