[ANN] chartsEngine - now on revSelect

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Feb 20 03:39:50 EST 2009

Hi Malte,

alles fit soweit? :-)

> Richard wrote:
>> One small note for us MC users:  the initialization of the demo stack
>> makes a call to something in the Rev libraries, so when running in  
>> any
>> other IDEs it throws an error and doesn't load the library.
> That would be the call to revLoadedStacks in the stack script of the  
> example stack. Any effective way to test, which IDE is being used?  
> Otherwise I would just wrap a try / catch around it and react  
> accordingly.

You could check "revAppVersion()" which will return 0 in MetaCard.

> Cheers,
> Malte



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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