OT: what are the components of a standard Mac install?

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Feb 3 08:56:58 EST 2009

Hi Tiemo,

> Hello,
> coming from the windows world, I am not really aware, what a  
> "standard"
> setup on a Mac has to do. I know, there are tools like PackageMaker,  
> but I
> would like to know, what a Mac User usually expects, when he inserts  
> a CD -
> and what of that PackerMacker would provide and what not. What does a
> installer like PackageMaker do anything else, than just copying the  
> whole CD
> on HD? How does a Mac User deinstalls his progs, I havn't seen yet a
> deinstall of any prog?
> Perhaps someone could point me to a link to the necessaries of a Mac  
> install
> /deinstall.
> Thanks for any hint

the average Mac user exspects a ZIP file or a DMG file with just the  
application bundle in it,
then she/he will copy this app into the "Applications" folder all by  
himself :-)

That's the meaning of an application bundle, which is indeed a folder:
Everything that is necessary for the app to run, like images, videos,  
audio files etc.
resides INSIDE of this folder, so it appears just like one (big) file  
to the user.

Same for "de-installing", she/he will just put the application bundle  
to the trash, that's it.

If you really have to install lots of files somewhere on the users  
hard-disk or even into the system folder,
then a dedicated "installer" application might be necessary.

In that case you should take a look at the Apple Developer tools, that  
also include an installer:

You will have to create a free account and then you can load the free  
developer tools there.
Watch out, that's about 1 GB ;-)

> Tiemo



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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