Subject: Drawing a curved shape - 2nd attempt

Randall Lee Reetz randall at
Mon Feb 2 19:31:10 EST 2009

Me too!

In the same way, I have invested a career using xtalk.  This is why I  
so often weigh in on modernizing xtalk and bringing it into the now.   
Look at the market share for Flex, Flash, Java, even Director... and  
compare this to the xtalk market share.  Now, do you think this has  
something to do with these other IDE's and languages paying attention  
to the web centered world?  To the graphics and media rich world?   
This is why I beg and beg for attention to the evolution of  
computing... my hope that the wonder that is xTalk natural language  
like programming will survive into the deep future and will have a  
greater effect on a larger percentage of that future.  To do so it  
would seem obvious to anyone that much more emphasis will have to be  
devoted to making xtalk environments web-facing and web native and  
that they have much more modern graphics and media tools and objects  
and attributes and functions... no?  I already feel like I am either  
walking with dinosaurs (or am one?).

Saying these things makes me no less loyal to xtalk than those who  
somehow think honesty will kill xtalk.  Over here in America we have  
a law against burning the flag.... but we know in our hearts that the  
freedom to burn our own flag is actually what makes America so  
strong.  We can make fun of ourselves (or at least we hope to again!).


On Feb 2, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Randall,
> I can tell you that, yes, I am a stakeholder in the success of Rev.  
> I have
> invested no dollars, but have thousands of hours and many commercial
> projects, for clients and our own company at stake. So, I am *MOST
> INTERESTED* to see it succeed.
> Dan Shafer and myself have hosted 3 annual conferences on the west  
> coast
> devoted to Rev. I've built my own set of tools in Rev and shared  
> them with
> the community. Many are still in use today. Recreating those tools in
> another RAD tool would be most time-consuming and tedious. Yes, I am a
> stakeholder in the success of Rev.
> I've worked with Malte's excellent Animation Engine to create a  
> free .obj
> (Wavefront 3d) loader and wireframe viewer which I use in a commercial
> product today. If Rev goes away, so does a big part of my  
> livelihood. So,
> yes, I am a stakeholder in Rev.
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