Passing parameters from Rev to Applescript

Michael mpease at
Tue Dec 22 18:45:38 EST 2009

Here's a quick FileMaker to Revolution via Applescript example. Uses
FileMaker Pro 10, Revolution 3.5, and OS 10.5.

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
    tell window 1
        tell layout 1
            set d1 to ((get data cell "theData1" of current record) as text)
            -- d1 now contains "tic"
            set d2 to ((get data cell "theData2" of current record) as text)
            -- d2 now contains "toe"

            -- specify field names on Rev card
            set fieldTarget1 to "t1"
            set fieldTarget2 to "t2"
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Revolution"
        do script ("put " & d1 & " & cr & " & "tac" & " into cd field " &
            -- result in field "t1" is two lines, "tic" and "tac"
        do script ("put " & d2 & " into cd field " & fieldTarget2) --
            -- result in field "t2" is one line, "toe"

    -- do script ("put " & d2 & " into cd field id " & 1006) -- would also
work using field id

    end tell

end tell


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