script - Slideshow in Rev using one page
Jim Ault
jimaultwins at
Tue Dec 22 13:17:14 EST 2009
This uses
<meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='10; URL=
tag to tell the browser to refresh after 10 seconds
and what url to send.
----------start here-----------
<html xmlns=''>
<title>Demo of Sequential Slide Show Using a Param<?title>
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
# using (html & javascript)-legal single quotes makes things easier
put "slideShowParams" into thisPageName
get "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='10; URL="
get IT & thisPageName
get IT & ".irev?pImageNum=zNextImgNumberz'>"
put IT into refreshTag --keep this string for later
#Jacque's lists of copyrighted images (7)
get "vinca.jpg thistleFluff.jpg pinkHoneysuckle2.jpg"
get IT && "milkweed2.jpg lamiumClose2.jpg cosmos2.jpg
put IT into imageList
put $_GET["pImageNum"] into pImageNum
put "new $_GET[ pImageNum ] equals " & pImageNum
#detect conditions and react
if pImageNum is not a number then put 1 into pImageNum
catch errnum
put 1 into pImageNum
end try
get the number of words in imageList
if pImageNum > IT then
put 1 into pImageNum
end if
put word pImageNum of imageList into tFlower --for this page
put pImageNum + 1 into nextImgNumber --for next time
replace "zNextImgNumberz" with nextImgNumber in refreshTag
put refreshTag --write this line in the head section
<div > <p>Seven of Jacque's copyrighted images in sequence
<img src='<?rev put tFlower ?> ' width='320'
height='240' border='1' />
<?rev put "(this, next) equals.. (" & pImageNum &", " && nextImgNumber
& ")" ?>
Working example running on a 10 second cycle.
Many variations possible.
Hope this helps someone.
Jim Ault
Las Vegas
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