Is it possible to change the revlet embed html?

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Dec 3 13:39:52 EST 2009

Recently, George C Brackett wrote:

> I'm planning a simple programming course for high school using revMedia
> (because it's free), which only produces revlets. I was immediately stumped by
> an early project to create and gradually improve an Assignments stack that
> would help our students keep track of their assignments. Alas, saving the
> current state of a revlet is not possible.

I could be mistaken or totally misreading this but isn't this what cookies
are for?  I don't know how much data represents your revlet "state", and I
seem to recall that the amount of data that can be saved in a cookie is
limited, but from what you describe this sounds like it could be a use for a
browser cookie.  Other more knowledgeable folks might chime in here.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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