[Thread Dead] Re: Interesting blog post - comments anyone?

Heather Nagey heather at runrev.com
Tue Dec 1 04:18:59 EST 2009

Right well guys, I can see that we have had enough of this thread! As  
you all know, politics, religion and cheese are banned from being  
discussed on this list.

Just for the record, in case Sarah is feeling uncomfortable, I think  
it was me he called slimy (by implication, if not directly).

You all know who I am, and who I work for, and my post made no attempt  
to conceal that. I certainly have a great deal of loyalty for RunRev,  
and I'm flattered Randall thinks we have built a customer service  
machine second to none - we do try! If I see something I think the  
folks here would be interested in that is clearly related to Rev, it  
doesn't seem to me that the majority have any problem with me posting  
it for debate. An invitation to be polite is merely that... I wouldn't  
dream of trying to tell any of you what to think or say about us!  
Doomed to failure ;) But I am entitled to my own, well informed and  
long held opinion. Since I actually work for the company, and have  
done for over 10 years now, I can tell you that a more dedicated, hard  
working, genuine, and committed bunch of people would be hard to find  
anywhere. Well worth my loyalty. Since I have daily contact with a  
wide range of the actual users and customers of the company, I can  
also tell you that you are as a whole a fantastic community, and I'm  
proud to call many of you my friends. I can also tell you that I see  
the positive effects of the software we produce daily, and the way it  
enables people to achieve their aims, both expert programmers and  
those that do not consider themselves programmers at all.

If anyone finds that slimy, or doubts that it is genuine, well, that's  
a shame.

Warm Regards,


PS This thread is dead. Do not reply to it. Any further postings on  
the subject will invite the poster being put on moderation, and since  
my workload at present is extremely heavy, they can expect to wait  
several weeks before I find time to sift and approve any moderated  

On 1 Dec 2009, at 08:25, Kay C Lan wrote:

> Wensleydale?
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Judy Perry  
> <jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu>wrote:
>> What this thread needs is Scotch.
>> Oh, and cheese ;-)
>> Judy
>> On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>> Cripes! Aspirin, quick, somebody.
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Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
RunRev - Software construction for everyone
follow me on twitter

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