[OT] Re: [ANN] tRev's new 'decoder' now showing...video is up!
Jerry Daniels
jerry.daniels at me.com
Wed Aug 26 11:06:35 EDT 2009
I wise man told me: when in doubt, leave it out.
I'm in doubt. I really do want to keep tRev simple. It's breakpoints
are easy enough to spot for now.
--> simplicity: http://reveditor.com/avoiding-big-and-complicated-in-trev
Meantime I _will_ do the following:
1. Get our new Raptor feature ready for Feature Friday.
This feature is more game-changing than Decoder. In fact, most of it
is already in tRev. It is so obvious that I doubt anyone will find it.
Hehehe. It's one of those inventions that will be used in ways I'm
sure I've never imagined.
--> live webinar: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/249440650
2. I will be thinking about all these cool ideas you and others have
made for tRev breakpoints as I finish-up Raptor.
Once Raptor is out, we will be feature complete. Then, I will optimize
and thoroughly debug tRev, getting rid of excess code, etc., and
release it, giving out brand-new one year reg codes.
After release, I'll probably have some thoughts about breakpoints
because we will all have had some time using them.
Funding for development is always an issue, so...let's see if we can't
get at least 500 people using tRev before Fall comes. Right now we're
at 108!
--> buy tRev: http://runrev.com/products/related-software/trev-editor/
Jerry Daniels
Watch tRev - The Movie
On Aug 26, 2009, at 2:22 AM, Dick Kriesel wrote:
> Thanks, Jerry, and you're welcome.
> The behavior of your breakpoint is so different from Rev's that I can
> imagine wanting to use both. So I'd prefer you to distinguish the
> two:
> breakpoint and, say, tRev_checkpoint. uRIP resolves the name space
> thing.
> tRev, instead of inserting the string "breakpoint," could insert a
> one-liner:
> if "tRev" is among the lines of the stacksInUse then tRev_checkpoint
> or, less obtrusively,
> try; tRev_checkpoint; end try
> Would that work for you?
> -- Dick
> On 8/25/09 4:55 PM, "Jerry Daniels" <jerry.daniels at me.com> wrote:
>> Hey, Dick! Good to hear from you.
>> I would need to deal with the whole name space thing...if some other
>> program used checkpoint, etc.
>> Using "breakpoint" has two sizeable advantages over alternatives (now
>> that I'm really considering your suggestion):
>> 1. I don't have to worry about another program using it.
>> 2. It has a use when tRev is not in use. E.g., when you give someone
>> else your code and they don't have tRev (because of a religious
>> injunction or something).
>> Great idea, though. I'll play around with it some. Thanks.
>> Best,
>> Jerry Daniels
>> Watch tRev - The Movie
>> http://reveditor.com/trev-the-movie
>> On Aug 25, 2009, at 6:40 PM, Dick Kriesel wrote:
>>> On 8/25/09 3:18 PM, "Jerry Daniels" <jerry.daniels at me.com> wrote:
>>>> I agree TOTALLY with the request, but alas, Rev forbids it.
>>> Hi, Jerry. Could you proceed without Rev's traceback message?
>>> on mouseUp
>>> put 1 into t1
>>> put 2 into t2
>>> checkPoint
>>> end mouseUp
>>> command checkPoint
>>> set the debugcontext to line -2 of the executioncontexts
>>> global gREVVariableWatcherValue
>>> debugdo "revDebuggerGrabValue the variableNames"
>>> repeat for each item tVariableName in line 2 of
>>> gREVVariableWatcherValue
>>> debugdo "revDebuggerGrabValue" && tVariableName
>>> put gREVVariableWatcherValue into tVariables[tVariableName]
>>> end repeat
>>> set the debugcontext to empty
>>> -- ... "store the full context into a database"
>>> breakpoint -- just so you can see tVariables[]
>>> end checkPoint
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