[OT] Re: [ANN] tRev's new 'decoder' now showing...video is up!

Len Morgan len-morgan at crcom.net
Tue Aug 25 23:08:22 EDT 2009

If it's all about "text", could you not replace the DISPLAYED word 
"Breakpoint" to "LenPoint" ONLY IN THE TREV DISPLAY.  Leave the "real" 
word as breakpoint when you save the file but when you show me the 
script, just do a global substitution.  Everybody's happy. 

Just a thought...

len morgan

Jerry Daniels wrote:
> I don't really think the breakpoint terminology will hurt and it does 
> help with cross-editor considerations, etc.
> Code is all about text, afterall.
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> Watch tRev - The Movie
> http://reveditor.com/trev-the-movie
> On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:15 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:
>> Jerry,
>> I was thinking more of an inline image than the Rev "dot" next to a 
>> line. It would occupy a line of its own. Doesn't make much of a 
>> difference to me, but seemed like an alternative to the concerns 
>> about terminology. For example:
>> on mouseUp
>>   put 1 into someVar
>>   BREAKPOINT #1386243
>>   doSomething
>> end mouseUp
>> would become:
>> on mouseUp
>>   put 1 into someVar
>>   ===============> #1386243
>> end mouseUp
>> Where the "=============>" is an actual image.
>> Basically, it was just a middle ground between changing the name of 
>> breakpoints and going back to red dots =).
>>> Brian,
>>> Have you ever noticed the dots in Rev's debugger? How, if your 
>>> script has very many lines at all, the dots can't keep pace with 
>>> scrolling, returns, etc.? I have. Not pretty, to say the least. So, 
>>> no images floating around for me, thank you.
>>> Also, keeping a separate array of breakpoints and keeping them in 
>>> sync with the actual code is not easy in a world where tRev is not 
>>> the only script editor. I used to have lots of these sorts of 
>>> "proprietary" approaches. It always came back to bite me in the 
>>> behind when people traded code with others or used more than one 
>>> editor.
>>> So, a couple years ago, i decided to use text to indicate a 
>>> breakpoint. Easy to see, easy to delete, follows the code wherever 
>>> it goes, never gets out of sync. It's all good. Now that we've added 
>>> record id's as comments following the word "breakpoint", we can 
>>> attach loads of data to a breakpoint.
>>> I'm warming up to the idea, too! I think everyone needs to buy the 
>>> product now!!
>>> Best,
>>> Jerry Daniels
>>> Watch tRev - The Movie
>>> http://reveditor.com/trev-the-movie
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