[OT] Re: [ANN] tRev's new 'decoder' now showing...video is up!

Jerry Daniels jerry.daniels at me.com
Tue Aug 25 21:26:50 EDT 2009

Thanks, Brian.


Jerry Daniels
Watch tRev - The Movie

On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

> Always my favorite confirmation that something is worth pursuing --  
> when multiple people dream it up independently =).
> I honestly don't have any current Rev projects right now, but I'll  
> keep my eye fixed on tRev for the next one that comes along! And  
> since we seem to be on the "same page", if anything strikes me while  
> debugging elsewhere, I'll let ya now... kudos for thinking outside  
> the box on this one.
>> Brian,
>> Your ideas for where this is going, they mirror my own. Cool.
>> SO...what're you waitin' for? Also, don't forget to get a mug or a  
>> tShirt.
>> Best,
>> Jerry Daniels
>> Watch tRev - The Movie
>> http://reveditor.com/trev-the-movie
>> On Aug 25, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:
>>> Jerry,
>>> I was honestly lukewarm about this at first as a heavy user of  
>>> "full" debuggers, but I'm definitely warming up to it. Fact is,  
>>> that about half the time I use a debugger and half the time I just  
>>> litter my scripts with "put" statements. This is a nice middle  
>>> ground approach.
>>> With that said, here is one thing I would personally find very  
>>> cool -- single variable "decode". I picture it like this:
>>> 1) Click on a variable name to "decode" it. tRev automagically  
>>> sets invisible (to me) breakpoints wherever that variable is used.  
>>> You could give some visual indicator (for instance, background  
>>> color change).
>>> 2) Run the script
>>> 3) View my script -- mouseover any instance of that variable and I  
>>> get the value at that point in the script.
>>> I kind of think of it as "vertical debugging" -- often I know what  
>>> variable is going awry and want to ignore all the rest of the  
>>> information. And so instead of adding tons of "put" statements or  
>>> wading through the context of all my other variables, I could very  
>>> quickly pinpoint where things went wrong with that variable by  
>>> clicking once and running.
>>>> Alex,
>>>> I would love to change the name of our breakpoints to alexpoints  
>>>> or lenpoints or kevpoints, but alas, I cannot. Only the keyword  
>>>> "breakpoint" will cause the tracebreak message to be sent to  
>>>> tRev's frontscript in Rev where it stores the full context into a  
>>>> database. It's this data that the decoder then uses in tRev to  
>>>> help you fix code with less effort.
>>>> I agree TOTALLY with the request, but alas, Rev forbids it. I am  
>>>> glad you like the decoder. I just updated it. You will see the  
>>>> "update available" link appear in the lower left of tRev editor  
>>>> any moment now.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jerry Daniels
>>>> Watch tRev - The Movie
>>>> http://reveditor.com/trev-the-movie
>>>> On Aug 25, 2009, at 4:54 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
>>>>> They are not "breakpoints" !  the execution doesn't 'break' when  
>>>>> it gets to one.
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