password in a script

Mark Smith lists at
Wed Aug 12 09:19:01 EDT 2009

Yves, you're sending the password in the clear, so you're vulnerable  
to a 'man-in-the-middle' attack, whereby someone could discover the  

A scheme for avoiding this is to use what's called a "nonce" value to  
create an md5digest with your password.

Here's roughly how it works:

on the client:
--generate a random 4 byte 'nonce' value
repeat 4
   put any byte of "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" after tNonce
end repeat

--get the md5digest of the nonce value + the password as base64  
string and prepend the nonce value
put tNonce & base64encode(md5digest(tNonce & tPassword) into tCryptPass

put "http://" & URLEncode(userName) & ":" & URLEncode(tCryptPass) &  
"" into fileURLToGet

--on the server:
--get the password from local file or whatever, put it into tPassword

put byte 1 to 4 of tCryptPass into tNonce
if base64encode(md5digest(tNonce & tPassword)) = byte 5 to -1 of  
tCryptPass then
    authentication passed
    authentication failed
end if

This is not industrial strength cryptography, but a reasonably easy  
to implement and reasonably secure way to avoid sending your password  
in the clear.


Mark Smith

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