cookbook for putting Rev app on the web?
Sadhu Nadesan
sadhu at
Tue Aug 11 14:21:11 EDT 2009
Ah, well, perhaps I spoke slightly too soon, a tad more research to do.
I should add, it worked flawlessly in test mode, when the html page and
the revlet was on my PC. When I put this stuff on an actual web server,
it hangs at "Loading revWeb Content". I put both files in the same
directory on the Linux server, same as they were on the PC, and I
checked that there is world read and/or execute permissions, and I tried
changing the extension to cgi in case there is some Apache restriction
against running executable files with a "revlet" extension ... so I
guess I better dig for more doco to see what I have missed.
Anyway, Sarah, I so appreciate your response. And everything about
Rev. Thanks again.
Sadhu Nadesan wrote:
> Whoo-hoo!
> 1) Sarah, you are the best. Sorry for the slow reply, I just got a
> chance to try it. So easy! Perfect instructions. Big smiles.
> 2) IT WORKED! Effortlessly. Just as expected. Wow, wow, wow. Rev
> has arrived. This is what many have been asking for years.
> Congratulations to the Runrev team. Absolutely awesome.
> disclaimer, I tried only a simple app so I haven't run into the
> boundary limitations yet of what it will do, but gosh, I am so
> impressed. I feel like a bird let out of the cage. grin.
> -- Sadhu
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