How do you solve this dilemma?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Aug 9 14:27:58 EDT 2009

capellan wrote:

> Ideally, these educational materials and user mail
> list and user forums should be hosted in runrev site,
> in many languages (translated by volunteers)
> so they will be always available from a central place.

The scripting conference stacks would be a natural source of materials 
if someone wants to translate them. These stacks teach the basics of 
Revolution and assume no prior knowledge. I'd be happy to host them on 
my web site alongside the English versions. You can download them here:


The stacks are mirrored at my site with the permission of Runtime, since 
there are no direct links any more on the RR site. Please feel free to 
download, translate, and send back the materials to me off list, and I 
will put them up for you. I'm fairly sure that RR would also post them 
to the RR site, but there may not be any direct link there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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