Runrev on the web

George C Brackett gbrackett at
Wed Apr 22 11:51:01 EDT 2009

You may be thinking about the Rev plugin, to be introduced in  
September at the Edinburgh conference.  This is a web plugin (like  
Quicktime or Flash) that permits embedding actual Rev stacks in web  
pages.  The current alpha version is already quite capable.  To be  
clear, a user must download and install the free plugin to see the  
output from the stack, but then the experience they get from the stack  
is largely indistinguishable from what they would see from running the  
stack or its standalone on the desktop.  (I'm sure there will be a few  
limitations, but I have run a number of my own little educational  
stacks under the plugin with no problems at all.)


On Apr 22, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Jim Schaubeck wrote:

Just so I understand, using runrev for applications on the web  
"requires" us to use the runrev service currently priced at 499.00 for  
life?  I know there are ways to do it with CGI's etc (not experienced  
enough to do that...yet).  What I was hoping for (and the reason I  
upgraded my subsription early) was the promise of getting runrev on  
the web.  After purchasing the early upgrade (my fault for not  
waiting) I learned about "On-Rev".  Don't get me wrong...I like  
RunRev...good stuff...but I use GoDaddy as my provider/hoster and also  
like them.  Is there a way to get runrev on the web without using On- 
rev?  Can someone sent me a link where they are doing that?

As always, thank you folks!!

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