Valentina DB 4.1 Introduces Groundbreaking SQL Feature
David Bovill
david.bovill at
Wed Apr 22 06:41:54 EDT 2009
Thanks Lynn / Ruslan - I've been waiting FOREVER for something that properly
handles tree / hierarchical data structures!
I seriously can't believe (ranting slightly) , that this is such a rare
facility in the world of computer languages and databases. Object-like
hierarchical structures are simply everywhere, from the folder structures we
all use, to documents, and the most natural way to describe relationships
between people and things we use in everyday life. And then of course we
have the dreaded XML. I guess it must be harder to implement technically
than you'd figure ( Ruslan you're officially down for a Nobel prize - or at
least a Guiness in this corner of London).
2009/4/21 Ruslan Zasukhin <sunshine at>
> NEW COMMANDS looks like this:
> vext_recursive_table -- v4.1
> : {ANCESTORS | BROTHERS | DESCENDANTS} OF vext_root_objects
Taken a brief look - my question is regarding networks of nodes (that is
cyclic / acyclic graphs) - searching these / and representing these in
Valentina's object-relational data structures (I'm not a current Valentina
user, so I'm working from memory here).
Essentially the sort of thing I'd like to be able to do is represent object
relationships, as a connected graph, and then have access to fast powerful
data structures that allow me to search that graph from a particular node,
recursively moving from node to node across the graph. This is effectively
searching of hierarchical (tree) data, but more generalised and adds the
danger of (cyclic) recursion type problems? Is this the sort of thing we can
model and do with these new features of Valentina?
NB - getting a bit nerdy - if anyone has a good reference on the topic of
the relationship between hierarchical data (tree-like structures), and
graphs - , I'd buy the book
> You can see that this command can search:
> DOWN by recursion starting from a given parent record to find its
> child-records.
> UP by recursion to find parent-records.
> WIDE by recursion to find brother-records.
Shouldn't that be "sister" :)
2009/4/21 Lynn Fredricks <lfredricks at>
> 2. Any plans to have Valentina support with On-Rev?
> Nothing has been decided quite yet, but it should be relatively easy.
Try bribing. Get them on a good day. Send them a bottle of Scotch.
Complementary tickets to England vs Scotland football matches. Marry into
the clan!
RunRev if your listening this has got to be a match? You are aiming to offer
the sort of cutting edge integration of features that other hosting
companies don't, Valentina could do with a good show case of server speed
and build up a user base of people using these advanced features - and us
punters get a more natural mapping of the way we think in terms of objects /
controls and properties to a modern fast database structure that thinks that
way too.
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