on-rev example: 'globals.cgi' conversion

Phil Davis revdev at pdslabs.net
Sat Apr 18 00:03:19 EDT 2009

A quick on-rev example:
Just to get started, I converted my 'globals' CGI script to an on-rev 
web page:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <HEAD LANG="en">
    <TITLE><?rev  put the short date && the long time  ?></TITLE>

    <p>Server Globals</p>
    <div style="padding-left: 12px">
    put the long seconds into tStart
    put the keys of $_SERVER into tList
    sort lines of tList
    repeat for each line gVar in tList
      put gVar && "=" && $_SERVER[gVar] & "<br>"
    end repeat
    put "version,processor,systemVersion,platform,environment" into tExtras
    replace comma with cr in tExtras
    repeat for each line tLine in tExtras
      put "the" && tLine into tLine2
      put tLine2 && "=" && value(tLine2) & "<br>"
    end repeat
    <p><?rev  put "This page of code executed in" && the long seconds -
    tStart && "secs."  ?> </p>


And here's what it looks like in the browser:

I love being able to reuse my Rev know-how this way!
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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