Wow! New CGIs

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 16 23:14:50 EDT 2009

This is too cool. I have an old Rev CGI example on my web site. It just 
picks a random line from a list of image files and displays the image in 
an iframe. It requires about 25 lines of script and two additional text 
files to do its work. The CGI loads an html template from a file, loads 
and reads a list of images from another text file, replaces markers in 
the template with a random line from the image list, and sends the whole 
business back to the browser. Thirty lines of script, two text files, 
and of course a folder of images -- and useless if the user's browser 
doesn't support iframes.

Now I can do it with one line of Rev script placed directly inside the 
web page itself. All I had to do was embed this in the page:

put "<img src="&quote&"cgiphotos/" & any line of url 
("file:cgiphotos.txt") &quote& ">"

Is that cool or what? I'm *very* excited about all this.

See it:  <>

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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