AW: difference between closing with the red cross or sending close

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Tue Oct 14 16:53:12 EDT 2008

Hi Mark,

If I hadn't diddled with things some more it probably would have  
worked as you thought. I had already partially implemented a somewhat  
similar handler and in copy/pasting may have not had things strictly  
as they should be. The most confusing thing about closing/quiting in  
OSX is the elimination of the Quit item from the file menu and its  
transfer to the Application menu; plus the use of the red dot close  
"button". I had been using a handler in the Stack Script to the effect:

on shutdownRequest -- confirm with the user:
    answer question "Save changes before quitting?" with "Yes" or "No"
    if it is "No" then pass shutdownRequest -- allow to quit
       save this stack
       pass shutdownRequest
    end if
end shutdownRequest

plus a menuPick item :

  case "Close"
          answer "Save changes before closing?" with "No" or "Yes"
          if it is "Yes" then
             save this stack
          end if
          close this stack

This seems to work most of the time, though occasionally, I won't get  
a dialog for saving before closing. If I had more hair, I'd probably  
continue trying to figure this out. For now, I'm just saving all the  
time. But thanks...

Joe Wilkins

On Oct 14, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> Sorry about the missing quote. I think that's the only typo. The  
> script should run fine if you add that. Or did I miss something?

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