landscape printing on Windows

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Oct 12 18:07:42 EDT 2008

>> On XP I'm trying to print a card that contains a background image and
>> some fields. So far, no joy. Here is my approach. What am I missing?
> I was hoping someone who actually knows what they are doing would reply to
> this, but since they haven't, this is what I do:
> on mouseUp
>  set the printPaperOrientation to "landscape"
>  print this card  from 10,10 to 800,455 into 100,100,800,600
> end mouseUp
> And it seems to work.  The fonts are not quite all I could wish for, a
> different problem, but it does work. Hope it helps.

Would the font problem be fixed by setting the formatForPrinting of
your stack to true?
Checking the docs for this property, it is a Windows only setting that
tells the system whether to use printer fonts or screen fonts, so it
might be the answer in this case.


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