strange char translation from intel to ppc

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Oct 9 03:50:53 EDT 2008

Bonjour Bernard,

When you open a stack created on Win with Mac OS, the engine converts  
all 'texts' (scripts, objects names, etc.) using IsoToMac function  
(and MacToIso when it's the opposite).
There is only one thing that is never converted and stays 'untouched'  
when switching from a platform to another: custom properties.
Because custom properties may contain binaries.
So I don't understand...

Le 9 oct. 08 à 00:32, Bernard Devlin a écrit :

> When I want to refer to these non-printable characters in script I use
> numToChar.  The place where they got changed was in actual text  
> stored as
> custom properties.
> I'm not sure if this should be marked as a bug.  I can understand  
> if my
> original characters had ascii values above 127 that macToIso and  
> isoToMac
> might be necessary, but not when the character values are below 127.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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