Converting Hypercard Stack -- No Scripts?

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Wed Nov 19 18:04:02 EST 2008

That also happened to me right after I got 3.0. If I remember  
correctly, everything was OK after I compacted the stack before  
opening it in Rev. Of course, that meant I had to be able to open it  
in HC to do that. Seems like there was something else, too. I think it  
was Jacqui who put me on the right track. Not sure? It's possible I  
have my problems mixed up. (sigh!)

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 19, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> Sivakatirswami wrote:
> >
> > I just opened the HC stack in Revolution and viola it appears. But  
> I'm getting some strange behaviors that I don't know how to solve.
> ...
> > No script editor is invoked, and the script of the button with the  
> "offending" command is not available.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> I had something similar happen a month or two ago; a stack that had  
> started life in HyperCard, been converted to Revolution several  
> years ago.  Opened in 3.0, couldn't open any scripts.  But simply  
> "put"ing the script of any object delivered the script fine.  So the  
> scripts are there (and as you noted you may even be able to run) but  
> something fouls up with the script editor so it doesn't open.
> Unfortunately, I can't now recall what changed to sort this out.  I  
> recall that I did what I immediately needed to do in 2.9 (or was it  
> even 2.8?) (where the script editor still worked fine) instead of  
> 3.0.   Did simply opening and resaving the stack from 2.8/2.9 fix it  
> (it would previously have last been saved from a much earlier  
> version)?  Or was it a change I made in the scripts - eg I recall  
> that the scripts used the 'byte' as a variable, which of course in  
> 3.0 became a reserved word.
> Sorry - this was one of those times where I was under too much  
> pressure to be able to put any time into figuring out what was going  
> on, I just needed to find a workaround and get on with my work.  But  
> if you're seeing it too, there's evidently a problem that's been  
> introduced, and it would be good to track it down.
> - Ben

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