Rev and the Web

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon May 26 11:58:37 EDT 2008


The point of my remark is that one should not visit blogs or otherwise  
consult third-party information to get information about Rev's near  
future. One should rely on official announcements only, because  
information from third parties easily gets a life of its own. This  
advice is not aimed at you but at Runtime Revolution customers --note  
that I am one of them! You're welcome to disagree with me, but I hope  
you will give customers the freedom to disagree with you as well.

Neal is right, this has nothing do to with judgements about honesty.  
I'm just pointing at a phenomenon, which is characteristic of  
communities like these. It was not necessary for you to make a nasty  
comment, as I wasn't disapproving anything you do or did.

I have made my point and will not contribute to this tread again.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 22 mei 2008, at 18:18, Lynn Fredricks wrote:
> I have to disagree with you Mark. What is reported as "will have" on
> RunRev's site is no more predictive that what I reported as coming  
> from the
> mouth of Kevin. But these features seem quite palpable compared with  
> some
> things discussed before as they were discussed in some detail and  
> some even
> demoed. You need a sunshine pill and a candy bar - smile and be  
> happy :-)
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks

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