Another "tool tip" solution

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Wed May 7 13:37:59 EDT 2008

The discussion about formatted and multi-line tooltips reminded me of 
solutions we had tried (in a programming workshop with students) for  
"annotation" fields as a form of  tooltips for words in a text connected 
to a "linktext". The annotation field is automatically formatted in a 
somewhat different way than Richmond has proposed. If the text exceeds a 
certain length it will be spread across several lines. Of course you 
could also choose any fonts, size, or background color of the field when 
you modify the script of the hidden button "show Feld Annotation" or  
change the properties of the annotation field directly.

There are three options to display the "tooltips" of the linked words in 
the text based on three different routines:

1. Mouseclick on the underlined word using "linkclicked"
2. Mouseclick on a "bold" word using "clicktext"
3. Moving the mouse cursor to a "bold" word - without clicking.

The formatting features of button "show Feld Annotation" could of course 
be used and modified to display tooltips of controls.

You find the stack here:


Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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