[OT] "They Criticized Vista. And They Should Know."

David Flanders DFlan at roadrunner.com
Thu Mar 13 18:29:18 EDT 2008

Hi Lynn,

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

> Microsoft doesn't usually make decisions that affect its big two of
> Office/Windows without having reasons to do it - Im sure there was  
> loads of
> research done. I actually participated in some of that in the  
> Windows 2000
> era (and got to fill my office with MS products for free as a  
> result). It is
> very likely that changes went well beyond just usability planning. For
> example, during the revving of Vista/2007, there was an internal  
> mandate at
> MS to trim $1 billion out of operating costs.

I don't think they are very wise at MS...  These billions of dollars  
is probably going to cut employee checks.  For a short time I read  
about MS and came to a series of articles a few years ago...  The  
core of the dialog was that MS was hiring part time progammers  
through employment agencies in and around Redmond.  These people were  
not covered for medical insurance or any of the supporting services  
that full-time employees enjoy.  When MS decided that a certain job  
was done they let the part-timers go.  Now you can think of this as  
you will, but I, that maybe some of those billions that William  
earned, lay on the backs of those part-timers.

Thanks, I had to get that off my chest.


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