Push button strangeness?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com
Wed Mar 12 23:04:54 EDT 2008

And Mr. Rossi is too humble to say, but his  custom controls are 
quite amazing, functional and beautiful.

>Recently, Bruce A. Pokras wrote:
>>  I have never heard anyone talk about this, but it seems very strange.
>>  A Push Button under Mac OS X looks like an Aqua button, but when I
>>  add color to the button it becomes a Square Button. What gives???
>Rev doesn't offer the ability to colorize or otherwise skin any system-drawn
>(or system emulated) controls.  Attempting to apply any appearance changes
>to a button results in the behavior you describe, as the stock buttons are
>the only objects that can be customized.  To get custom buttons, you can
>either 1) create your own button state images and assign them to buttons as
>icons (in the docs, see the icon, hiliteIcon, hoverIcon, etc properties), or
>2) create and script your own controls using images and/or graphics.
>(I'm hoping to demo a solution based on the latter at the upcoming RevLive
>Conference in Las Vegas.)
>Scott Rossi
>Creative Director
>Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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