CGI's on a linux server

Michael Doub Mike at
Tue Mar 11 21:21:27 EDT 2008

I have been able to install the current engine on my ISP's linux server in
cgi-bin and am able to run the simple hello world script.  I am now trying
to take the next step in having my script "start using" another stack but I
am having difficulties.



global gDataA

on startup

  start using stack "rocketscgi.rev"

  put the defaultFolder into foo

  cgiOutput foo

end startup


This is generating the following message in the server log:


[Tue Mar 11 20:56:49 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /home/doub/public_html/cgi-bin/helloworld.cgi

/home/doub/public_html/cgi-bin/revolution: Script execution error at line 4,
column 9


I have tried numerous permissions on the "rocketscgi.rev" stack file and as
you can see have even tied to force the name to all lower case.  


Can someone advise me as to what the permission of a stack should be?


Also the following script returns the correct path to cgi-bin:



global gDataA

on startup

--  start using stack "rocketscgi.rev"

  put the defaultFolder into foo

  cgiOutput foo

end startup


on cgiOutput pBody

    if param(2) is not empty then

        put param(2) into tMimeType


        put "text/html" into tMimeType

    end if

    put "Content-Type: "& tMimeType & cr

    put "Date:" && the internet date & cr

    put "Host:" && $SERVER_NAME & cr

    put "Content-Length:" && the length of pBody & cr & cr

    put pBody

    if the environment is not "development" then quit

end cgiOutput


I am quite sure I am missing something simple, but I am currently stumped.


-= Mike


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