Team Development using Run Rev

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Sun Mar 2 11:19:25 EST 2008

On 1/3/08 21:33, Chipp Walters wrote:
> Coming a bit late to this party. I've successfully used Rev in a
> multi-developer environment using our own auto-update architecture and
> MagicCarpet.
> It basically works like this. Individual developers check out stacks
> from a web server using MagicCarpet, work on them, then check them
> back in (with notes if they like). MagicCarpet can be setup to
> automatically archive versions, so you can 'roll back' to an older
> version if necessary. Because of our auto-updating architecture, as
> soon as someone checks in a stack, it is instantly made available to
> anyone with the application's executable (Mac or PC). New files are
> automatically downloaded into a plugins folder, after a successful
> launch. Our MGC architecture also handles downloading and
> uncompressing of zip archives as well.

Thanks for reminding me about MagicCarpet, which I mean to check out (pun not 
intended).  Can you clarify; does it offer any merging at a level more 
detailed than stack (and does it merge substacks)?  And does it offer any kind 
of diff or comparison features?


- Ben

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